
By Groggster

Tokyo Window

Much as I would like to have taken a trip to Tokyo (despite there being a travel ban, having no up to date passport and a fear of flying) , this image is actually taken in my local town Maidstone. As you can see this is a shop window and as I was taking it in a virtually deserted street (due to lockdown) I was approached by a security guard who asked what I was doing. I thought this was blindingly obvious but still replied "I'm taking a picture" to which he replied "You must have the store owner's permission before you can take any photographs." I must have taken hundreds of shots of shop windows over the years and have never been confronted in this way.before. There were no signs or indications that photography was not allowed. Instead of speaking to me politely he seemed to want a confrontation so I decided to just walk away but even then he still said "Don't take pictures of any other shop windows either". Unbelievable! What a jobsworth!

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