Donald's Book

A book has arrived. A book of poems. And very terrific it is too.

I was born on the Arr Farm, Lethen, Nairnshire at 4:30 am on the 24th of May, 1944, in the upstairs bedroom from where you can see one hundred miles into the North. My mother was a Midwife from the Isle of Lewis. My father, a Tenant Farmer, was downstairs in the kitchen. I was brought up by three German prisoners of war, two Sisters and a Border Collie Dog called Lucky in the last days of Clydesdale Horses and no electricity.

Later I wrote and read and we decided, after a bit of The Last of Us, that a zombie action thriller was called for -  World War Z it was. I gather it was going to be the first in a series with Brad Pitt centre stage but apparently it all went tits up and hugely over budget. A pretty decent romp so it was. 
And the Fifers and others have joined us in having to stop whatever it is that we’ve already stopped. 

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