Lifting mist

I've always been an optimist and, up until a few years ago, I always had faith in people's innate good and common sense, even if it wasn't always obvious: the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump changed all that. Oh, I had a brief rally in 2017 when Labour did surprisingly well in the general election but the subsequent elevation of 'Boris' Johnson firmly put paid to that.

So on Monday, when I was chatting to my colleague, Steve, and he confidently predicted a win for Trump, I don't think he was so much wrong as simply preparing us both for the worst, basing his view from within the new frame of reference that we've been unwillingly shoe-horned into.

It's been a delight, then, to see Biden doing so well and to find ourselves in a position where he might actually win. I've been going to the FT website at least once an hour just to look at those two numbers: 264 vs  214. Just six more electoral college votes needed for a Biden win. It *seems* inevitable but, these days, who dares hope?

If I were a more superstitious man, I might have taken succour from the day's transition from misty morning to sunny afternoon!

-10.0 kgs
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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