As Seen through the Haar

The haar has been with us poor mortals in Edinburgh since daybreak. The baking delivery was walked down to Maggie’s before 8am as if inside a wet blanket with castles, buildings and traffic looming spookily out of the mist and semi darkness.
I was confident that the weather would clear up when Glasgow daughter phoned later and told me it was sunny in the West, but it is still clinging to everything right down to ground level. It’s good for showing off spiders’ webs, though.

What on earth was I thinking when I bought a pair of mustard coloured jeggings yesterday? I was forgetting that Covid has been generous in donating me some muffin rolls which I hadn’t taken into consideration. Not a good look, so they were returned post haste on my way home; not the muffin rolls unfortunately - the jeggings.

Such a pity that I have let myself go to this extent and just as I decided, this far and no farther, I had a message from David and Lucy saying they want to treat me to one of Soderberg pizzas tonight before everything closes for lockdown at 6 pm. The doggy bag may be called for, although I suspect the occasion will make me forgetful.

I was so busy taking the absent Castle from the top of the Mound that I failed to notice the arrival of the Christmas tree from Norway . There will be no Underbelly to remove it this year before the Christmas period is over

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