Along the shore (Day 2009)

An early start this morning so that my beautiful wife and I could get a ride out on the hosses before other things got in the way.
We met up with A and had a fine ride along the shore and through Stromness. The weather wasn't quite so good as yesterday and it felt a lot cooler, but riding George is a bit like sitting on a radiator so I was kept warm enough. Highlight of the ride was getting George to walk under the jib of a telehandler which was being used to deal with a chimney. Normally he is a bit wary of machinery with things in the air, but he was brilliant today.
Home for lunch and a woofer wander, then back home just in time for the arrival of a mate who spent less than half an hour on the roof and got the flue liner sorted out (extra).
Later, when HV was away to work, I returned the borrowed roof ladder, then collected stuff from Tesco on the way home.
I spent a little while before dinner connecting the log burner to the flue. I reckon it looks fairly good. Now I just need to get the room finished...

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