Morning ride (Day 1646)

The morning woofer wander was slightly delayed this morning as I had to spend a little while scraping ice off the windscreen. It is the first time winter the ice scraper has been needed. Despite the frosty start, it was a beautiful morning with bright sunshine and very little wind.
With it being such a good morning,  my beautiful wife and I headed across to Stromness and got out a ride on the horses. By the time we were making our way back along the shore towards the yard, we were both getting too warm and feeling fairly over-dressed.
We had a quick visit to Mum and Dad, before zooming home and collecting the woofers for a wander at Lyde. Lovely to be out for a walk in November wearing sunglasses and not needing jackets.
All good things come to an end though, and it was soon time for HV to go to work and for me to go and see if I could do anything to stop a shower tray leaking.
It has been a fine day.

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