
No this isn't a misspelling of curses after watching  Trump's press conference last night (although there were plenty - what an awful and shocking performance). Rather it is a reference to Cleaven Dyke near Meikleour which we visited today.  It was thought to a Roman Dyke until the 1990s when further research revealed that it dated back 3600BC, cursus being Neolithic structures resembling ditches or trenches. 

It is the middle of a large wood and it was lovely walking through the wood and then along the dyke for a bit. The bushes were covered in spider's webs - I don't think I have ever seen so many.

Before that we went for a short walk along the side of Meikleour's famous and very tall beech hedge and walked back through the woods behind it - I really enjoyed seeing it from behind. 

Elsewhere the counting continues and the world waits ..... 

Have a good weekend everyone. 

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