A new routine & more RANTINGS Lol!!!

Not really sure why Ann has given this Blip the title, 'A new routine'? Ever since Ann adopted me in February 2019, (apart from going out first thing in the morning and last thing at night for toileting purposes), I haven't really had a routine.  Sometimes I'll go out for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon.  Sometimes I'll go out for 2-3 hours late morning/early afternoon and then get another little walk late afternoon and sometimes I'll have 3-4 half hour walks throughout the day. It all just depends on what Ann is doing and what the weather is like.

I don't care. I'm a really adaptable little collie so I just fit in with whatever Ann want me to do.

Here in Edinburgh, we're not in a complete lock down though it feels like it but all Ann's work as a 'Meet & Greeter' has dried up. She's applied for quite a lot of temporary work & quite a lot of voluntary work but it would seem that no one wants an intelligent 61 year old with years of experience in numerous different occupations. Oh well, ho hum, it's their loss!!!  Though it's very irritating for her to go into the local bakers and see a member of staff, wearing a very stained uniform, playing on their phone, chewing gum and totally ignoring the customers. Just how do these people actually manage to get a job in the first place? And what is worse.................... most of the places she's applied for, don't even bother to acknowledge her application. To be honest, it doesn't really bother Ann. She's quite a confident person and knows that she could do the jobs that she's applying for 10 times better than most of the people who are already in the role. But imagine if you're a 16 year old and applying for your first job. It must be sole destroying to spend time and effort preparing a CV and then not even get an email telling you they don't want you.

Oh and just before we stop ranting............................. An advert appeared in the window of the local toy shop a few days ago. They were looking for someone to work on Saturdays till Xmas and possibly Friday & Sunday afternoons. Ann thought, 'That will do. I can do that.' …...........And then she read the last line of the advert which said, 'Would suit someone still at school.' In other words, they want a 14 year old that they can pay the minimum of minimum wages. So no, Ann won't be dropping in her CV because, after all, who cares what O Grades she got in 1975!!!

Anyway to get back to my new routine even though I don't have a routine. Because no one seems to want my very lovely owner, she thought she'd spend the next few weeks getting fit so she's been at her fitness club and has swum 60 lengths every day this week. Yesterday she also went into the gym and spent 30 mins on the treadmill because she's doing the 'Couch to 5K' thingy.  Mon-Wed she went in the morning, but swimming and running makes her tired so my afternoon walks have consisted of me going to a park/beach and running after my ball while she stands still. And also it's so dark in Scotland that if I want to go out for an hours walk in the afternoon, we really need to leave by 3pm at the very latest.

Soooooooo..................... Ann's changed her fitness regime and is going to do it in the afternoon. We tried out my new routine today even though I don't have a routine.

Went round the block first thing for toileting purposes and then at 10am went for a 2 hour walk. I got left 'home alone' this afternoon while Ann went for a swim and then when she came home at 3.30pm I got a trek around the streets on my lead for half an hour. …...........Seems to be a good new routine.

Oh and guess what?....................... Ann is only doing the 'couch to 5K' thingy 3 times a week so on the days that Ann is swimming only, she's going to take me with her and I'm going to have a play in a park with my ball on the way, snooze time in the car while Ann is swimming, and another play in the park with my ball on the way home. How fabulous is that?????  Sounds like a good 'new routine' to me even though we don't have a routine.

…..........Lets just hope that 'Nicola' doesn't put Scotland into Tier 4 because that would probably mean that the Fitness Club would have to close and my new routine would get changed again.............

…............And if anyone is interested................. this is a Blip of me, on the path below Blackford Hill looking over the wall because there were 3 collies and a retriever playing in the field. I thought about scaling the wall and going to play with them. …..........but I didn't because I was headed for the Hermitage and normally there's loads of squirrels that need chasing there. Today I didn't see one single squirrel. Boooohoooo.


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