Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Biting my Nails

A photo of our yard sign was all I could manage today.  It boggles my mind that the race is so close.  That's all I'm going to say.  The good news is that Biden is ahead in both electoral delegates and the popular vote right now...but there are still a lot of votes to be counted in key states.

I stayed up way too late last night so I didn't have the energy for a bike ride today.  I am grateful to pipersdad for suggesting that we do a big shopping together, so the day was actually productive.  It was such a great help to have him go with me.  He always offers and I'm taking him up on it from now on!

While I've been typing, Biden is projected to win another state and now only needs 17 more delegates to win!  I am guardedly optimistic....

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