View from the cab......

A dry day so sent the staff to muck out and bed cattle as we have our FarmAssurance visit tomorrow.
Wee brother phoned needing a hand to get a cow in needing the vet as she had a double prolapse, rectal and vaginal. Got the vet out to stuff everything back in and stitch in the vaginal prolapse . Hopefully everything will stay put. Was going to post the photo but thought it might put folk off their tea !
An afternoon spent in the old Ford digger loading some of the left over concrete ballast into tote bags . It was a slow job as everything is so worn out the control levers are like stirring porridge.
The vet back out to write a death certificate for a blackie Tup that has snuffed it. It was bought last month at Stirling and is ( hopefully) insured so need a vet cert. to claim back what we paid for him .
Mrs F back to work so thankfully didn’t need to do the double school run today.
Trump and Biden still both claiming they are winning tonight. Surely out of all the millions of people in America there has to be more than these two fit to run their country !

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