In the harsh light of day....

Mrs F still off work sick today so another early morning run into the big smoke to drop Littlemiss at school. Same journey as yesterday, but the round trip took an extra 20 minutes today due to the traffic. Presume lots of folk don’t work on a Monday !
Spent the rest of the day hauling heifers from next door to the slatted shed here. Had a brief break at lunch time to bid online for the farm sale stuff I was after, but the grain trailer I had my eye on made £1 K more than I thought it was worth, and the fence posts made £520, more than I was prepared to pay ,(plus VAT and 3% buyers commission) so a cheap day !
By tonight I had all 85 heifers shifted , then another round trip to collect daughter after hockey practice. Bugger this commuting thing- crossing the yard and being at work is far enough for me !
The turnip lanterns are looking a bit rough in the harsh light of day, bit like myself !

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