
By AnnieBScotland

SP with powerhoop

had a good evening last night - on her way to Edinburgh bikerbear stopped off in Glasgow to meet John and I at the Glasgow Film Theatre for an hour or so. I really appreciated the effort Anni, especially as I think you got a bit lost coming and going!! Anni went off to another blipmeet at her hotel in Edinburgh, we went in to the - I think - UK premiere of 'Cloud Atlas' - a book we both really enjoyed.

The movie didn't get a good review yesterday but we both thought it was amazing, though confusing, and I wonder if you haven't read the book how it would be. the only criticism we had, like the reviewer, was that the prosthetics were a bit poorly done at times. each actor played several different roles at different ages, so the rubber faces and wrinkles were a bit overdone we thought. It is a long film, almost 3 hours, so we skipped the Q&A session after - one of the film's main actors was there - though now I wish we'd stayed!! be interesting to hear what others think after seeing it.

Anyway - I got well and truly ticked off by BB for saying I need to lose weight and going on about it, so have decided I will just be sensible, enjoy the odd cake or five and do a bit more exercise at home with my powerhoop. it is fun but has to be used outdoors as it is quite big! gave the postie a bit of a shock one morning! lovely day here, so out it came, with the camera, and a few trial runs on 10 sec self timer gave me this. just a fun blip for a lovely sunny day.

hope the sun is shining where you are.

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