
By AnnieBScotland

the girnin' dug

Girning: complaining, crying, or in a dog's case, growling.

Have been wanting to blip this 'dug' for a while for the One Street project but had difficulty finding any info about it, but luckily sat next to the town historian at the concert last night and got the story. As I passed this morning to go to the office - just to install a new printer in the peace and quiet - I took the chance to get a photo.

The story:

In the nineteenth century Deacon McDonald, who was a Dyer, lived in a modest two storey house, set back from the street and next to the more palatial three storey home of Miss Inglis. She had a window in her gable and spent most of her time watching the goings-on at the Cross - the centre of the town. As Deacon McDonald became more prosperous he got permission to build a new house at the front of the street, which may, or may not, have blocked Miss Inglis' view - nobody knows. One day the Deacon came home to find his dog had been poisoned. Not one to point the finger directly, he has his stonemason fashion a statue of his dog, with a snarling, growling face and turned to the left, so that it was looking at Miss Inglis' house. He then had it positioned on a plinth at the top of the new house, where it remains to this day.

Was going to go early into Glasgow and look around a gallery or two but the sun is shining so will spend some time in the garden instead. Meeting John at the film theatre, where we are also meeting Bikerbear for an hour or so before she heads off to Edinburgh for more blipmeets and we go to see 'Cloud Atlas' - it didn't get a good review today....

hope everyone is enjoying the sun!

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