Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Emergency shopping

Four weeks lockdown ahead so I decided to do a spot of emergency shopping, non-essentials only.  I came home after an hour in the shops, tired and weary and a little elated with my haul.  Five A4 sheets of 20 thou plastic and ten packs of plastic strip for modelling new Port Appin buildings, three 10ml pots of acrylic paint for the West Coast Motors model kits that arrived on Saturday, 5 sheets of sandpaper, and two 28ml jars of liquid poly cement.  

Slight hiccup though.  Both my cards were declined.  In a rare moment of composure I resisted telling the shop assistant what a useless person she was, I even smiled as I was rejected.  (I get used to it).  I don't use cards much in shops, MrsDB takes care of the tedious stuff like that normally.  Anyway, I handed over my Visa card and put the pin in.  Rejected.  I tried the debit card.  Rejected. Had to pay by cash.  It was only on the way home as I was telling MrsDB what a useless worthless creature the assistant was and she said, "Did you use the right PIN number"?  I snapped back "of course I did.  Do you think I'm stupid"?

She always treats me like a child in these circumstances and made me repeat the PIN numbers which I did, and I was right!  Ha!  See, I'm not the idiot.  Yes you are she said, you used the debit pin on the charge card and and the charge card pin on the debit card - and slapped me around the head.  Ouch!  

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