Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Time for a change

After 20+  years the big mirror over the fireplace is being changed.  I'd have done it sooner but I stripped one screw head many years ago and conveniently used it as an excuse for inactivity ever since.  Not unexpectedly MrsDB has finally had enough and laid the law down.    "Replace it now or I'm leaving you", she threatened.  I went off to pack her shoulder bag and what do you know, she was bluffing.  

After a bit of drilling and chiselling I got three of the stripped screw heads and accompanying wall plugs out.  One simply fell out!  Now all the holes and cracks are prepped for the first sanding.  I hope she'll be OK up the ladder with that heavy belt sander, it's quite a high room.

No doubt she'll be wanting the wall to be painted next.  

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