The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Wine Induced Influenza

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Not only have I become rubbish at drinking since the start of lockdown, I’m also starting to suffer from hangovers. Not what I used to call a hangover (which was just a bad case of lethargy) but actually feeling ill all day hangovers.

So that pretty much defined my day. I watched Mary Poppins Returns this afternoon as the plot was about as complicated as my brain could handle.

My mood wasn’t uplifted by Boris’s press conference announcing a lockdown in England. I wonder how often ‘NEXT SLIDE PLEASE’ appears in the nightmares of the British public? If I prepared the slides with the graphs and stats, I would absolutely have to sneak in a rude drawing to cheer everyone up.

Especially the hungover people.


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