Family Dog

By Family_Dog

the silver lining...

I bought Arlo a toy ages ago that we called 'The Puddle'. It was basically a little pad that you filled with water and little pictures of farm animals floated about in it.

The point of it was that the baby could experience new touch sensations and all that jazz. We all loved it, many a time when friends came for tea they'd be absent-mindedly massaging 'The Puddle' as they sat round the table.

Arlo loved it from a very early age, and through all his stages. Right up to the present day - where he particularly enjoyed bashing three shades of poop out of it with anything he could get his hands on.

And tragedy struck yesterday - one bash too many caused a leak and wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee went the water. I was actually about to chuck it out but thought I'd cut it open and rescue the wee animals and flowers inside to use as bath toys.

I am so glad I did that! Not only do they stick the bath perfectly, they stick to faces perfectly. The fun I had watching him as he shook his head and wobbled his eyes with a gaping mouth trying to figure out how to get these things off.

Oooh hooo hooooo. Much fun.

Arlo free weekend coming up....even mucher fun!

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