Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Friday — Statistics

Posting my daily Blip is usually an end of the day event. I get in bed (with my smartphone), stroll through my photos, select my favorite (which isn’t always the best photo), upload, write, and touch the “publish” button. So this evening I followed my normal routine and when I opened the Blipfoto app, I received an announcement that my “full membership” would expire tomorrow. Well that’s pretty scary!

So I got outta bed, reached for my credit card, opened the “resubscribe” option, and paid my dues. Relief! Losing my Blipfoto account is not what I want to do.

Then this page of options appeared. I made screenshots of it all. I’m not a numbers person, so the figures are lost on me. But I thought I may never find these stats again, so I’m using this screenshot as a reminder to me.

I do not Blip to keep a tally. I Blip because it keeps me sane. Blipping helps me keep track of my life and often the lives of my family.

I also Blip because when I first started this journal I found my page receiving day after day encouraging comments from people all over the world. The comments, the community, kept me coming back, and almost without realizing, I was addicted to this daily habit.

Only once or twice in these dozen years has someone been rude. Many of my Blip friends are of a completely different philosophy or belief system than me. That’s what makes life interesting. Those people are wonderful humans and some have become special friends. I decided a long time ago that this isn’t the place where I want to be political. If others want to, that’s their privilege. I just want mine to be about my day-to-day life, personal and family stuff.

Mostly I posted this screenshot because I thought it was pretty and I’m not sure I can ever find these stats again.

We had a great day in Cayucos. We watched the California Highway Patrol helicopter and a team of lifeguards do maneuvers in the waves near the pier. Two-by-two they would drop/jump from the copter. Occasionally the copter would lower a basket to the water and pick-up a swimmer. It was all very interesting.

We arrived here yesterday. We’ve enjoyed a good night’s sleep, a full day relaxing, lunch at the Sea Shanty, out to see this town, a walk on the beach with Chloe & Mitzi, a little grocery shopping, an adult beverage, I made dinner, then we watched the sunset, and the finale — a blue moon.

Good night from
California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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