
Not the most exciting photo but then not the most exciting jigsaw..  but its finished. I started it  way back at the beginning of lockdown when I assumed that it wouldn't take that long.. but neither would the lockdown or the pandemic. How wrong I was!

I've not worked on it constantly.. gaps of weeks went by . Mostly it was done when it was raining and I felt bored, so I suppose that means either I've not been bored too much or weve not had much rain. Lol

Dog walks are a daily priority and a pleasure. Today we walked along Channel side. More yachts now in dry dock but looking quite picturesque  ( see extra)  

Tesco next.. forgot my mask... again. Found one in the car but only the one so M sat with Fletch while I dived in 
Note to self to keep 2 masks in the car..and one by my purse because I'm always nipping out to the local shop and having to come back to get my mask!  

Oh what a year it's been..  and will continue to be.  I will happily follow the rules ( and have done) if it means fewer people will become ill. 

On a brighter note..  the weather was milder today and Fletch and I managed a nice teatime walk.. till a firework went off . 

Take care everyone 

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