Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Winter pasture

The cows that I blipped during the transhumance the other day are now on the winter pasture.  It is nice to hear the cowbells again. I saw the cows on my permitted one hour walk within one kilometre of the house. I went out armed with my completed online attestation on my phone in case the police stopped me.  The fine for not have the correct paperwork is €135. My neighbour fills out his attestation on paper and then takes out the SIM of his mobile phone. Last time some people were caught out via geolocalisation  having declared the wrong information on their online forms. That smacks of Big Brother!  However, it does prevent the levels of non compliance that have occurred in the UK although French people do have a strong sense of civic duty generally I think.  I shared Macron's address to the nation on the English Zoom French conversation group in this afternoon. They found it much harder than the snippets of newspaper articles I usually share as they are always written.

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