cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"and a cherry tree"

I'm not sure what type of tree this is, but I know it's not a cherry tree! But it works with my lyrics for today! :)

Today was such a lovely end of winter, fresh spring day with a crisp air and blue sky as far as the eye could see! Cue a walk in the park! :)

I'm not sure what it is about trees that I love, but when I find trees with blue sky in the background it is too good a photo opportunity to turn down! At this time of year the trees are still bare from winter so perhaps I see a form of vulnerability about them - they have survived the winter, but now with the blue skies of spring, they are exposed as they wait for their leaves to re-grow and see what the rest of the year has in store for them! This is strange way to think about trees I know....perhaps it's the Sunday night blues that are causing me to lose what little common sense I actually had!! But aside from all this.....

.....Spring is on it's way!!! Finally!! :)

# Black Horse and a Cherry Tree - KT Tunstall #

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