Another bug

I was in a lovely deep sleep last night when Xander woke me crying that he had a really sore tummy. We came downstairs, I gave him Calpol and as he went back into his room. Boom he was sick. Managed to get him to the bathroom just in time for more. He then slept in a little bed at the bottom of my bed. We were up for a few hours and Carson needed fed too. Another long night.
Xander was quite poorly for most of today. He doesn't like cuddles unless it's on his term's and today he spent most of today wanting hugs, he had bad tummy cramps. Thankfully by late afternoon he has picked up and has had dinner. I'll keep him off school again tomorrow just incase.

The jedi had a better day today too but isn't back to his usual happy self.

We managed to make Halloween crafts in between all this and I did get some ironing and other things done too.

I normally don't mind having broken sleep but I've had 5 bad nights and I really hope tonight is a good night. World of blip keep your fingers crossed :-) .

It's soon dinner and then bed for me . X

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