Water play.

The weather has been insane the last couple of days and our local river burst its banks earlier. There has also been a minor landslide and Various roads flooded. 

I am knackered today. My wildlings are broken. Carson and harp were awake for hours last night. I hope they sleep tonight. I need some zzzzzs . 

Harp had her preschool booster's earlier and her flu spray. My nurse friend was great with her but Harp took the hump and wouldn't speak to her. ( One extra is her feeling very sorry for herself. I would too ) 

In the afternoon I decided to let the two wee ones play with water. God knows what I was thinking when I put down a white towel. I blame tiredness. But they had a fantastic time and sat for nearly a hour. This was great for Carson as he doesn't sit still. He did drink some but hey ho it's only food colouring. We worked out what float's, what was heavy. Harp worked out how many cups it took to fill a tubs . I love activities like this as it's great for mini science and maths and they have a blast. Of course Carson had to be stripped after. 

Now it's time for dinner, bath then bed. Mr R is working a little later tonight as he had to see a client a few hours up the road and it was a long meeting. I need my bed and need to rest my shoulder. 

I need to order a jar opening device as I can't open up jars. The extra will give you a giggle. I wanted pickles last night to snack on and Mr R wasn't in to open it. I mean I could have ate some chocolate but I was trying to be good ;-) 

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