At Your Convenience

A full frontal of the unisex toilets at Soderberg Pavilion in all their glory. Can you guess which one was recently vacated by a man. (Am I allowed to say ‘man’, or is their some other nomenclature I should be using in these days of wokeness?)

I was party to this view when I met up this morning with a school friend whom I would generally have invited to the house. Having managed to reserve the settee in Soderberg, at least it felt a bit more homely despite the open doors in operation.

Why is it that just as I had decided there had been too much licking of bowls recently, my neighbour appeared on my doorstep last night with a plate containing two cup cakes freshly baked and still warm. Needless to say there was only one left on the plate when I went to bed and the self control required to leave it there was monumental.
I have to say, as I write this, the plate is very empty.

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