3rd breakfast

3years 118days

This is the 4th time I've written this journal entry (last times was really good too! This time I suspect I'll be much briefer!)

Katie was on an eating mission today - the first thing she said to me when she'd got up was "Mummy, please will you come downstairs and make me scrambly eggs". She ate double (large) scrambled eggs on toast. Then asked for her breakfast. She then ate a mountain of fruit. On the train to ballet she ate her ballet snack. We went to buy her a new snack for ballet, and she asked for the box of cereal, which she ate quite a lot of.

She had a brilliant time at ballet - Monkey had to join in for some of it, although mainly she was happy to have him in front of her watching. She ate a big snack, ate again after ballet, before having a very brief sleep on the way home. She was pleased to enjoy some garden time and chance to have a nice play with the rabbits before we went out for the afternoon.

She spent the afternoon with her bestie Bobbobs. They havent had a playdate in ages, so she was very chuffed. They were headed to the garden when I left, and had gone back out again when I arrived to pick her up. She ate a load of fruit and biscuits there too. The mummies had a natter, I had a long and lovely snuggle with Bobbobs' baby brother. I made her tea when we got in, which she ate most of, before curling up in my lap at 6pm and falling deep asleep.

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