
By Mindseye

Turning japanese

I slept ok but was awake much earlier than I would have liked, fortunate that the clocks had gone back.

A lazy Sunday morning......an early lunch, bacon and to atoes on toast. We made a plan to watch hubs team on tv, the early kick off, then go out for a walk before it got dark. Trouble was his teams mathc didnt actually kick off until 2, rather than as he thought, 12.30......so that rather scuppered our plan.
They played really well, beat the team currently top of the league rather easily really, so hubs happy.

In the end we didnt venture out at all...I went out front and cleared the fallen leaves, and cut back some of the long willowy new growth from our magnolia tree in thr front gardens.
Just as I finished & headed to the reycling bin, the sun broke through and lit up the acers in the back garden.....this one in particular is looking fab just now, so a quick dash indoors to grab my camera, blip done!

Roast chicken s elli g lovely, so it will be a full on roast dinner tonight, followed by Countryfile.....a,pretty uneventful and lazy Sunday.

Neither of us been feeling that great today..... really tired, weary......a bit achey, hopefully a good nights sleep will see us right tomorrow!

We have a man coming tomorrow to talk shutters/blinds :-)

Have a good new week all, stay safe

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