Wasdale sunshine (Day 1996)

It started off today fairly wet and unpleasant, and I got a bit damp sorting out stuff to go to the dump and unloading it at the dump. Despite the need for another trip to get rid of stuff, I couldn't be bother getting wetter so opted to do a bit of stuff inside instead.
As lunchtime approached, the rain went off and the sun broke through and it seemed like a good idea to get out with the woofers. We headed to Wasdale and I had a dry walk, the dogs got soaking wet and filthy in the loch and in muddy puddles along the way, but I reckon they enjoyed themselves.
The rest of the afternoon was spent doing a bit of tidying and rearranging of stuff and things.
Hopefully the weather will stay reasonable for a bit of hossing with my beautiful wife tomorrow.

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