Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Cadman's Lane Sunrise

Firstly, many thanks for your kind comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's image which sent it to spotlight.

I took advantage of another good sunrise, walking down a bridleway that shares it route with a local stream. Well it used to be a stream, more like a raging torrent now, making progress along the path quite difficult. And then when I got to this pool the margins were flooded preventing me from getting to the edge. As a result this shot is a lot different from that envisaged when I got out of the car.

I'm not quite sure which are high cirrus clouds and which are aircraft jet streams. The conditions seem to result in every plane in the sky leaving a trail in its wake.

Technically, this is a 5 shot (1 stop) HDR image.

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