Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

A few people for Rifle CO and one for the Sn3

Today I almost finished a few N scale people for Rifle CO. Not crazy for some of the get-ups, as they are unpainted German figures (Preiser) but from 3 or 4 feet they just look like Coloradans.  I paint these little folk on the spur that they came on. Once done, I clip each off and paint the hair and hat (if they have one).

I am sorry for the lousy color and photo.  The colors are much better in a better light.  Like the layout.

The big green figure is the one I just glued together.  It is a 3D prointed S scale (about 3 times larger than N scale) figure from Aspen Models.  A bit tricky but the ACC glue held. I will let him totally dry overnight and hit him tomorrow with some fine gray primer (Tamiya) that I use for figures.  Super fine and it does not fill in the detail.  At least he is bigger (S scale) than the Rifle folks.  Then much detail to paint.  At this scale he has coat buttons! 

Once he is painted as well as the bench and dog, I can install him on the layout.  

Then - off to the switch motors. 

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