Beech Weather

On a very damp day it seemed that one location that might work OK was the Beech Avenue at Kingston Lacy. Rain gear on, lens hood fitted and out into the rain. It seemed quite dark and I found I needed to wind the ISO up to 1600. If any sky got in the frame it immediately burnt out of course so conditions weren't too easy. Although I've been down the road once before, I hadn't realised what a busy road it is and how close to the road you need to be to get shots on the inside of the avenue. The cars and trucks are all coming at speed and throwing up loads of spray from the wet road too.

The theme for today's Wide Wednesday challenge (hosted by BobsBlips - thank you Bob) is 'Close/Tight' so I think we're in with the criteria here.

The beeches are looking lovely but I think maybe they'll look even better in a couple of weeks as more of the leaves turn to golden colours. It was quite enjoyable but it's definitely not as peaceful as I hope it looks in my image. I've added a couple of extras.

It was throwing it down this morning. We met up and walked down to the RNLI College restaurant for breakfast, which is a great place to go if you're in that area. We'd been considering the weather forecast and our opportunities and we came to the conclusion that with the amount of rain expected today we'd pack up and head for home after we'd been to Kingston Lacy. So I'm home now and it'll be good to be back in my own bed. It's been a good trip and I think we'll probably be doing a few more quick trips in future.

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