feet well travelled

By feettravelled


today started with a jog.
the sun was beaming thru the windows and it was SO bright and a little bit warm too!!
i lay on the decking by a nearby pond and heard the morning birds sing.
it was a beautiful moment.

my parents and granny visited me today while they were in Newcastle for the theatre. it was great to see them again and have some cuddles.
we went out for lunch and it was GOOOOD, except my other brother wasnt there :(

dad properly fixed my bike after last weeks problems with it.... and did other odd jobs too. he is wonderful!

a really loverly afternoon with Michelle (the one on the left), walking thru the park and having cups of hot water in my room and chatting. she is a special lady in my life.

this evening has been candlelit with a book in my hands.
an early night is on the cards.

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