
By Madchickenwoman


A few weeks ago I drove with another member of the chicken coop to collect 4 ex-battery hens from Devon. They were lacking feathers in many places and their combs were pale and flopping over their faces as they are used to control their body temperature and battery farms are hot. They also had long nails from not being able to scratch and distorted beaks from clipping to prevent pecking. It's a cruel farming practice and breaks my heart. I'm happy to be vegetarian even though after 20 years I  still  miss the taste of a lot of meat, but at least I am  not a part of this intensive rearing of animals in cruel conditions. 
When we put them in a separate coop on the plot we were amazed at how quickly they started to explore the area- scratching the ground, establishing the pecking order amongst themselves, eating and drinking. They were incredibly friendly and were quite happy to be picked up which was totally unexpected. The first hens to come check them out were our other ex-batts! They really do recognise their own breed and stick together! It's quite sad to see those hens who we bought as pairs losing their friend and becoming a singleton on the plot.
Today we integrated them into the coop. We put them in the run of the main coop first, hoping they would more readily accept it as home! Then we opened the door and let them roam free! It took quite a while for the other hens to take them on - interestingly it was the older ex-batts who once again started to exert their seniority,with a 3 hen stand off then battle!  Then Penny, who has long been the elder of the coop, made her seniority felt , she looks like a black caped avenger!! Even the little bantam Henrietta had a go! But the new ex-batts were having none of it! They defended themselves with gusto and apart from the battle with Penny were the victors! It's amazing to see them rear up and extend their neck feathers ready for battle! Sometimes just this posturing will make another hen submit! 
Photos of their collection and arrival can be seen here!

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