Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Identity Part 2

TGR has had her hair done and looks even more amazing than usual. We had a good catch up on FaceTime tonight.

Watched the second Fantastic Beasts film. I’m a fan of Potter and enjoyed this. One person’s search for identity is at its core. Plus I like the more international, less Britcentric nature of these standalone prequels. Talking of Britishness:

Have just finished reading Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging. In this book Afua Hirsch uses her own story to anchor a broader exploration of race in Britain. It’s a powerful narrative. She is middle class, mixed race, and metropolitan by background. Her experiences of racism are many and varied and have forced her to look for an identity, but as she herself says, she always seems to fall somewhere in between two points. Belonging is elusive on both a personal and a social level. But the real message is that we have deep rooted problems with both race and class in this country, and that until we stop being in denial things won’t get any better.

As for the rest of the day: very long lie-in, supermarket shopping and the most fantastic Sunday roast courtesy of TSM. 

Good day.

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