Almost ‘Normal’

I know I’ve taken this picture many times before, but I took it again today when I went out to talk to Luís who is replacing the irrigation. I decided to post this picture to show that not all is devastation and burnt vegetation. The burnt fence to one side of the house is now completely gone and gives a view across the neighbor’s field all the way to Los Alamos. It’s bleak and blackened right now , but it is a nice open view which we might want to try to preserve with more open fencing. However, we also get the headlights from Los Alamos in our bedroom windows at night so we’ll need some kind of screen....

Today’s story involves a comedy(?) of communication screw-ups. Dana said I could use their internet and their bedroom to take a Pilates class which I haven’t been able to do since the fire. I dragged my mat and my roller and my weights over there and realized as I was walking up the stairs that I had forgotten my computer! Peter let me borrow his and got me all set up just in time. Blake wanted to join in and I let him until he laid down right in the middle of my mat and rolled over on his back with that endearing look dogs have when I tried to move him. Just as I was putting him out the door, my phone rang...

It was the elusive Las Vegas insurance adjuster, so I had to talk to her. Our connection wasn’t very good even in Dana’s super wired house, leading me to wonder if she had a problem with her phone. They won’t pay for Serve-pro cleaning services...she said they take forever and their methods are ‘outdated’. I suspect the translation of that is that they are too expensive. I told her I would have to talk to my husband and made her promise me she would answer when I called her back in half an hour.

John, of course, didn’t answer his phone when I called him, so I had to drive home and talk to him. Tried to call Alicia back ,but the call was dropped, so I drove back to Dana’s and called her. She was a bit huffy because we had called our agent and complained about her unresponsiveness, but I think we have made up. She said she would have the Biosweep cleaning guy call us.

He just did. While I was writing this entry. The phone didn’t ring. His message instructed me not to leave a message on that service but to call another number which I did.

I got his voicemail. He’s in Beaumont, Texas

The AT&T (telephone and internet service) technician is supposed to come today. He was assigned to come explain why our phone and internet don’t work because the guy in Oklahoma wouldn’t tell us when we didn’t know our 30 year old password.
We could have told him that it was because all the telephone poles within miles of us have burned down but why bother?

I’m exhausted....

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