Toby Wilson

Well here I am at St Anthony's Chapel up Arthurs Seat with St Margaret's Loch in the background so I had the song The Grand Old Duke Of York going through my head after being marched up to the ruined chapel for a photo shoot by Toby for my works magazine he is a freelance Photographer who has worked for a number of newspapers in England and Scotland and has done a lot of work in Scotland for our magazine and he really was a nice guy carrying two tripods and lighting equipment and travelling by bus as well to meet me for the shoot so it was good to see a pro at work and after the shoot which lasted an hour and many shots we were done and as we were talking I said I would give him a lift back rather than him lugging all his gear and after my good deed he wrote down and helped me with some technical aspects that I was wanting to know about which will help with my night time photography so here's hoping and he was explaining about doing sports photgraphy and explaining why the lenses are so huge he let me hold a lens that was the size of a bucket and cost a few grand and what a weight it was so hopefully my mates enjoy seeing my Gub in the works magazine as normal I will get pelters as usual anyhow this is my blip for the day of Toby Wilson not quite"The Adventures Of Toby"2012 but it was a nice wee trip up to the old ruins on Arthurs Seat in Edinburgh and a big thanks to Toby for all the Info and for being a good sport in letting me Blip him.

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