Captains Log Stardate 13/02/2013

Well not quite the Captains log but my TMS screen that gives me an insight into whats happening with my train I have just arrived at Haymarket and the number 5 just to the right states how many minutes we are down not my fault thankfully the first coach to the left shows me as a wee stick man along with a key sign to show what cab I am driving from the wee bars under the individual coaches is for fault one third a of is bar is a level 1 fault two thirds = a level 2 and if it is full then Huston we have a problem you can tap on an individual coach to check for faults or rectifying them if your speedo fails you can go into the leading coach through your brakes and compressor mode which gives you a back up speedo to fall back on all technical stuff that just makes my mind even more discombobulated making the cogs in my heed keep churning at rest but a handy piece of kit it is just a pity I cant watch movies on them oh which reminds me after a title like that it has to be "Star Trek" 1979 on another note I have to head into Edinburgh to be ay Holyrood Park for 14:00hors to get my mug shot done for my works magazine for the two photos of mine from blip that have made it to the gallery on the See us competition run by Creative Scotland fame awaits again I can see a star with my name on it at Hollywood haha so any how this is my blip for the day I hope you seen the episode about the railways in London on BBC last night it was a good insight for non railway people to understand how a railway works letting you know about a 70minute delay costing East Coast trains £10.000 which was working out at £150.00 a minute so no doodling please on Cross Country trains thank you lol but interesting indeed with another five episodes to come well worth watching.

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