Good day
We walked to school with Rachel and Poppy. Its nice on Fridays as no rush to get to work or preschool.
Bea and I then went to the garden centre to spend my birthday vouchers. I got this lovely stone worktop saver thing and 4 mugs. The mugs were on offer and the pricing amused me - it was £6.50 per mug, or £10.00 for 4 mugs... I liked the design as its not often you find tasteful staffie images where they dont look thuggish.
We came home for lunch and then went to swimming class. Bea swam with just the pool noodle today and not needing me for support. She hasn't done that before.
Bea has been struggling with the school run on Preschool days. Twice a week she had to walk with me to Ivy's school to drop Ivy off and them back in the opposite direction to preschool. Its a nice walk but a struggle for little legs somedays when she is tired. I'd rather not resort to driving so I was really chuffed today as a local mum offerring her stroller for free on facebook so I snapped it up and Bea enjoyed a ride for pickup. She is borderline too big for it, but it'll be ideal for pickups, just to give her a rest.
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