
By Jen_Elliot

My Commute - Start of The Water of Leith

This is looking the other way from my 3rd Oct post and this is morning and sunny. This was my commute today. A good day to be alive. Colder but good.

Will need to work on keeping tootsies warmer but am sticking with it - there is only Nov and Dec to really slog through. Jan has my birthday and the snowdrops are with us by Feb.

A good pal used to live in a flat up to the right. She said she saw a drug deal going down in the undergrowth just out of shot. A case was thrown over the wall on her side as a bag was picked up. A few mins later the case was picked up by another passerby or something like that.

Oh those youthful days.

Good parties in that flat. Still fondly remember the 'underwater creatures' one. She lives in New Zealand now. Far, far away.

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