You make me laugh

oh my goodness you guys made me laugh and laugh 
thank you for your comments on the chandelier and the Tesla

I saw the grandmother walking the baby. It is so cool, we don't even speak the same language, I didn't even ask, she saw me and immediately posed the baby. I've sent two of the pictures to the father tonight. 

Two of the Supreme Court justices have made known that they believe the decision to allow gay marriage was wrongly decided, has created vast problems, and only the Supreme Court can fix it. This isn't an immediate crisis, I'm unaware of a case coming before them that will allow them to overturn gay marriage. It is a potential future crisis. 

Dexamethasone has side effects of euphoria and feeling invincible. 

I got to go to Kruger National Park three/four years ago, across the border from Mozambique. So long ago? Time. When you go, and maybe someday you will, bring two cameras. You want a long lens and a short lens. I had a nine-year-old bridge camera that was, at the time of the trip, worth a grand $50, and a cell phone. The bridge camera was my long lens, full-frame equivalent of 900mm. The picture of the lion in the frame was with the cell phone - it was walking that close by. For years my bridge camera was my nice camera and I never took it on trips overseas because it might get stolen. Oh the waste! While I was in Mozambique I finished an online course on iPhone photography. Then, needing a zoom lens, I bought a Fuji interchangeable lens camera to be at my home when I got back. I gave the bridge camera to a wonderful local cab driver who I called whenever I needed a ride. We had such trust that he'd give me the bill at the end of the week every week. After two men tried to rob me* he walked me into the cell phone store so I could feel safe getting more minutes put on my phone. I'm very sorry not to have gotten to see him again but at least we have Facebook. 

We have many, many more finger puppets than I ever bought Karen. She liked them so much she began buying her own. ;-)

*boy were they sorry

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