Twitchers in wir Rigs

A tad breezy, warm for the time of year, and mostly sunny all day.  It clouded over this evening, and more wind.  Could be Northern Lights if it stays clear.

I've been working in the museum all day.  With the fine day, it's been really quiet.  Bumped into mam and sister Laura at lunchtime, and a brief chat.  Met friend Julie for a walk with the dogs this evening, and saw big Brian and Madeline too.  Feet up now.

I popped down to mam's after work, as I had more willow cuttings to set, but where we plant our trees was over run with people, which has never happened before.  Loads of twitchers up from south just now, and they were watching a rare Dusky Warbler.  Me and mam tried to find it, but only got photos of some Blackcaps.  Our trees usually attract Gold Crests at this time of year.  Granddad Maikie started the trees here, added more by mam and dad, and I'll continue to plant more.  Taken at the Aith meadows, Cunningsburgh.  

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