Spot Farm Cottage

Dire this morning. Heavy rain most of the day. Pond refill system had to be diverted owing to threat of flood. Nice to see the rain though after a dry September.

So the morning was spent on adding and removing tasks from the never decreasing list of jobs to be done. Ordered a new shower amongst other things.

The rain relented slightly after lunch so we could go for a walk in the gathering gloom. Susan ended up at her mother’s to cook and chat. I had a long Messenger video chat with my brother. Something we need to do more so we agreed to chat again in early November unless anything untoward came up between times.

Not a great day for photos. I was torn between three equally undistinguished shots: a face that I accidentally created from logos on boxes stacked ready to go up in the loft, a set of machinery down by the railway line and a late 17c cottage on Spot Lane, called, imaginatively Spot Farm Cottage. I opted for the cottage.

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