Way of the world!

I had an odd job sort of day today. It was bright and sunny and so I flitted from inside to outside just doing things I noticed needed 'doing'. I finished off with rearranging my sewing room. The work table faced the window, mostly because I love the view, but not so practical now the sun is lower in the sky and always straight into my face if I sit there on a sunny day. It is now turned 90° and I can sit in the light,  without the direct heat of the sun on my face, and still watch the view!
My DIL has set up a shared photo album for us and sends some wonderful photos and videos of them all. There are many special moments, all the more wonderful to see while we can't visit. I received this one yesterday, very of the times! Extra is picnic in the park with her sister. To me they are cuteness personified, but then I am a very biased nanny!

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