Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Quite an amazing overnight thaw and quite a pleasant run into work. Not on Strava as I'd left my iPhone in the work. didn't bother me, not at all, not even a wee bit...
6.4 fookin miles are not on my total!!!!

We had a union mass meeting yesterday; went well, usual bullshit rhetoric but they did come away with a pay rise and pension unchanged so all's well and good. Obviously "company and union come to amicable agreement" doesn't hit the headlines but despite what the scum press would have you believe it's actually quite common in the real world. Anyway, one of the motions was approval for branch support of Falkirk food bank. A food bank .... in Falkirk ??!! I can remember such things in support of the miners families back in the eighties but I can't remember there having to be such effort to simply feed people. How have we lost our way as a society so badly?

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