Newhailes House & other rantings!!!

Went to 'Newhailes House' because we were bored, we've never been before and loads of people have been telling Ann that I would really like it. I did really like it. Lots of big fields and woods for me to run about in. And also a few squirrels for me to chase. Ann says she'll definitely take me back there again.

And then this afternoon we went to 'Pets at Home' because I'm running out of dog food. We haven't been to 'Pets at Home' since before lock down because Ann has ordered me massive bags (15kg) of food online that we've kept in our spare room. And because we thought that all the lock down restrictions were being lifted, we wanted to turn our spare room back into a spare room  instead of a dumping ground so that when friends came to stay they could fall asleep without breathing in any stinky dog food fumes???? As we don't live in a mansion we haven't got anywhere else to keep a 15kg bag of dog food.

OMG! Ann has just worked out how much more expensive it is buying my food in 2kg bags. A 15kg bag of food will last me about 2 – 3 months. The problem with buying a 15kg bag of food is that I have to eat the same flavour until it's gone. I've been eating chicken since the beginning of July??? Today she has bought me three 2kg bags but she will rotate my meals so I will have a choice of lamb, duck & turkey. Do dogs actually care what they eat? And the difference in cost.............. more than £30??????? And let's face it....................... It doesn't look like Ann's going to be needing her spare room any time soon. When we come back from Cornwall she will order me another big bag. Yum!

On the way home from 'Pets at Home' we stopped at Liberton Park so that I could play with my ball. Liberton Park is a fabulous place for a little collie pup to play with a ball because the whole park is surrounded by a wall so there's no undergrowth for me to disappear into with the ball. I just had to flop down on the grass in full view of Ann. I only played for about 20 mins but I'm totally, utterly and completely exhausted now. I can't even be bothered to eat my dinner.

PS – Just watching the news. …...........All the students going home because what actually is the point of being at Uni if all the courses are online???? …........Ann's pretty much got to the point where she doesn't care if she lives or dies. Oh and before everyone starts commenting that she's got a lot to live for. Yes she has and no she doesn't want to die at 61 years of age. She's not having a mental health crisis. Yet??  But maybe we just all need to get on with living our life for however long we have, because we certainly aren't living our life at the moment. #justsaying

PPS – Going for a walk with 'Bertie the Beardie' tomorrow morning and Ann's going out for dinner with ONE friend tomorrow evening.


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