In and Out...

...todays' theme for MonoMonday. I went with the lanterns that we keep on the table in our 3 season porch. The candles are IN the lantern but they're OUT (as in not lit). I couldn't decide between this one, which is cleaner looking, and the photo in the extra, where I photographed them where they always sit, although they're usually at opposite ends of the table. I think the only people who would go back & forth about the differences are photographers, but I finally consulted Tom, who liked the cleaner looking version so that's what I posted as the main image. 
Up early today for an 8:00 wellness visit with my doctor & got my flu jab while I was there. I drove home and picked up Tom to take him for his lab work, and not un-expectedly he needs a unit of blood, so that will be given tomorrow. Another Packer win last night against the Saints, making the record 3 wins & no losses for the start of the season! My friend Deb & I were laughing because we've travelled to three "away" games in the past 4 years, and the Packers have lost each of those games. This year (so far) they're doing great at the "away" games so we'd have a great chance at seeing them win on the road, but we can't go because of covid...........hopefully NEXT year!  Go Pack!!
Thanks to Chantler63 for hosting MonoMonday this week.   :))

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