
By fotoday

we did

Slightly better weather today, just light rain for the most but still strong winds. We ventured out after lunch to walk the length of Southwold beach and mooch around the town. There is something very invigorating about crashing waves and sea spray, we enjoyed blowing away the cobwebs. On the way hope we decided to go onto Sizewell (of nuclear plant fame) beach which is dog friendly and we could give Dave a good run off the lead. By now it had stopped raining but I think Dave had been worn out at Southwold and he just plodded the beach alongside us with the kids chasing after the thrown ball :-) Finally a pub garden before returning home for a Sunday dinner. Kids playing board games again with the laughter and banter reminiscent of a good Xmas day. It's so good getting them all together and making such happy moments.

All extras are taken in Southwold

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