A Doorway of Distinction

Forgive me, Nicola and Jason, for I have sinned. I have broken your commandments and done a Dominic Cummings interpretation of the rules. I sat inside Soderberg this morning, albeit in a freezing through draught, with Porty daughter and a Merry Widow. This arrangement could have been classed as 2 households if my daughter and I counted ourselves as a family bubble. No one however came into my house.

The least said about a flying visit to the hallway of Daughter #2, the better.

I found it hard to get up this morning but when I did to execute a very short riding of the marches on my Brompton, it read 1° on my phone- seriously parky.
Walking has been temporarily rested as my left hip is protesting after my 210 miles this month. I hope it recovers; it has never given me any trouble before and is a price to high to pay even for raising £884 for Maggie’s .

The fickle weather has delivered a day of sunshine and a temperature of 12° but feeling much warmer in the sunshine as I sit on a bench outside the tennis courts watching bad tennis players pat the balls over the net or not...... but I need not criticise.

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