Craiglockhart Hill

Went up Craiglockhart Hill. ….................And that's about as exciting as it's got today!

I had to stay 'home alone' this afternoon cos Ann went off to do a couple of 'meet & greets'. She's had a couple of cancelled appointments (probably because Nicola Sturgeon has said that people from different households can't meet indoors – well they can in a pub or restaurant but can't in a house, even though they'd be further away from each other in a private house) but has picked up a few last min jobs (which seem to have been mainly couples having to cancel foreign holidays so are having staycations instead.)

…..............Oh and does anyone else think that the universities have gone back earlier this year? Last year we were in Cornwall at this time and then when we came back at the end of September, Ann was doing lots of M&Gs where students were staying in short term lets while they looked for accommodation. Now they all seem to be back at Uni and are being told that their uni residence is their main home and they can't go home to mummy & daddy whenever they feel like it. And they might not even be allowed to go home at Christmas. Can you see students following that rule??????

Oh well ho hum.......................... Covid cases on are the rise again, but we knew that was going to happen didn't we? And apart from her M&G visitors, who she spoke to for about 5 mins today, Ann hasn't had any human contact.


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