Weather app was wrong again?!

Today we had a plan. The plan was; go to Perranporth with our friend Heather (and her little Cavapoo, Ruby), have a play on the beach and then have lunch at the 'Watering Hole'. Then this afternoon we were going to go to 'Holywell Bay' to meet up with fellow Blipper 'Seascapes' so that we could have another walk on a beach.

Best laid plans and all that........................... Seascapes didn't want to come because her weather app was showing lots of rain & wind. And Heather didn't want to come because she'd been up all night being sick. I know, I know. TMI!

However, after being woken up during the night with the most torrential rain ever, this morning when I went out for a little trek around town it was positively beautiful. (see extras). Our weather app said it was going to rain all day but we've learnt not to trust our weather app. The sun was shining and the sky was blue so we decided to go to Perranporth by ourselves.

It was fabulous! The beach there is HUGE. The tide was coming in but there was still lots of room to play. Because I was by myself Ann had brought my ball for me to play with. But do you know what...................... the beach was full of dogs, all having fun in the sunshine. When I have my ball to play with I'm totally focused on it and just ignore all the other doggies.

So there I was......................... playing with my purple bouncy ball....................... when guess who I met? Bella, the little Cockerpoo puppy that I'd met on my play date yesterday. How bizarre is that? After meeting for the first time yesterday, and not having a clue when I'd see her next....................... there she was, just standing at the edge of the sea gazing at me as if I were mad, because I was having a little chillax in the sea because constantly chasing a ball is very hot work.

Anyway we had a little bit of a walk with her but I wasn't very interested in her today because I had my ball to play with. Bella doesn't really do playing with a ball, but when I accidently dropped it near her and she picked it up; she just started chewing chunks out of it. #Naughtypup  By the time I met her I was getting a bit tired and what I do when I'm tired is...................... I take my ball off to a rock pool so that I can have a bit of a cool down and rest at the same time. Check out the photo in extras. Aren't Bella's ears just fabulous???  When they stick up like that, she's like a rabbit. Lol!

Bella was actually on her way home from Cornwall so after we'd finished playing, she went back to the car and we went for a little mooch along the High Street in Perranporth and then we went for lunch at the 'Trewarnhayle Inn'. We like it there because you can sit in little beach huts in the garden. See extras.

Mmmmmmm...................... feel a bit of a RANT coming on here.

Got there between 12.15-12.30 and I got tied up in our little beach hut while Ann went indoors to order a diet coke and a steak baguette. It's quite a big place and there were a lot of people sitting outside in the garden and a lot of people indoors. Only two bar staff and lots of people wanting to order stuff. It took Ann about 10-15 mins before she got served and she was panicking because she'd left me alone and she was worried that:

I'd chew through my lead and wander off …..........and
Someone would steal me


I hadn't done either of those things because while Ann was away lots of people had been cuddling me and feeding me treats. Yum. Yum.

It took about 45mins for us to get our steak baguette. And yes Ann did share, but only a teeny, weeny, little bit. They were obviously really short-staffed because the food/service there is normally good. And the poor bar staff kept coming out and telling people that the specials were off and they had no more of such and such. And it was just obvious that the kitchen wasn't communicating with the front of house staff, who are the ones who bear the brunt of the customers frustrations. Ann knows – she used to be manager of a hotel. So no, we haven't left a review because Ann very rarely leaves or reads reviews about anything, she just RANTS on BLIP because it doesn't matter how many good reviews one has; one bad review can destroy everything.

And then we came home. I got taken into the field at about 5pm for 5 mins and got absolutely soaked through to my skin. It's now almost 7pm and weather app is still showing rain, but it's not raining. As we say................... our weather app constantly lies???!!!

*Perranporth photos by 'Heartfreek'

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