
The weather changed today, with a stunning day of sunshine, the odd clouds, and flat calm all day and night. 

Another day working in the museum.  We weren't open to the public, but I had two walk-in groups, along with Ability Shetland booking.  Finished slightly earlier, and headed north for a run and headed for a walk.  More walkies with Sammy this evening, such a good night to be out.  Feet up and telly on for the rest of the evening. 

A house perched on the side of the hill, exposed to the elements, but getting a break today.  This was the house Simon King stayed in, while filming in Shetland years ago.  Stunning views around Sand Voe, but the only access is from the beach, which can cut off cars at high tide.  I must do a bit more exploring around the Voe here, and head along the banks, maybe a summer trek.  Benigarth croft house, Sand Voe, North Roe.  

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